Last updated October 2022
Child Labour
As per British law and conventions ratified by the UK, children can only start full-time work once they’ve reached the minimum school leaving age – they can then work up to a maximum of 40 hours a week. The youngest a child can work part-time is 13, except for children who have a performance licence to work in exceptional areas such as television and theatre. Once someone reaches 16, you may need to pay them through PAYE. Once someone reaches 18, adult employment rights and rules then apply. COREP adheres to the principles established in the Convention on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations, and in the Convention of 138 of the ILO. Child labour is not used. There is no recruitment of child labour. No one under eighteen years old is employed at night or in hazardous work or conditions.
Employment Relationship
COREP recognises the importance of secure employment for both the individual and for society through a preference for permanent, open-ended and direct employment. COREP and all sub-contractors shall take full responsibility for all work being performed under the appropriate legal framework and shall not seek to avoid obligations of the employer to dependent workers by disguising what would otherwise be an employment relationship or through the excessive use of temporary or agency labour.
Fair Wages / Compensation
Every worker has a right to compensation for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet the worker’s basic needs and provide some discretionary income. Our business partners must pay at least the minimum wage, comply with all legal requirements on wages, and provide any fringe benefits required by law or contract.
Forced / Bonded Labour
We have zero tolerance for modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking, and will ensure our operations are free from these practices. We will work together with our business partners and suppliers to influence the elimination of modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking. Our approach is in keeping with COREP’s Code of Conduct and aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in the United Nations Global Compact.
Freedom of Association / Collective Bargaining
Nobody should ever be at greater risk because they work for us. Everybody has the right to go home in the same state as they come to work. Members of the public are also entitled to expect us to make sure our activities do not harm them. We are committed to eliminating the risk of serious harm from all our activities, and to keeping our people healthy. We believe that all COREP Group’s Human Rights Statement injuries and occupational illnesses, as well as safety and environmental incidents are preventable, and our goal for all of them is zero.
Migrant Workers
We expect all workers, including imported and migrant workers, to be provided wages, benefits, and working conditions that are fair and in accordance with local law. We do not condone holding workers’ passports to keep them from leaving, charging any type of fee or deposit for employment, or any other unfair practice. We review these policies in detail during our audit process and expect our vendors to share these views and comply.
COREP shall not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, threats of violence or other forms of mental or physical coercion. COREP shall not engage, support, or allow any form of harassment or abuse in the workplace. Harassment can be any offensive act, comment or display that humiliated, insults or causes embarrassment, or any act of intimidation or threat.
We respect each individual’s human rights and will not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion, creed, sex, age, social status, family origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation, nor will we commit other violations of human rights. Such discrimination will not be tolerated. We will be resolute in upholding human rights in everything we do and will not tolerate such discrimination in others. Ignorance and inaction do not constitute excuses for discrimination.
Working Condition, Including Hours
We will treat all employees fairly and honestly regardless of where they work. All staff have a written contract of employment, with agreed terms and conditions, including notice periods on both sides. All staff are entitled to reasonable rest breaks, access to toilets, rest facilities and portable water at their place of work and are newly entitled to an unlimited amount of holiday under our latest scheme. All employees are provided with appropriate job skills training.